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Millennium Innovation, A Multimedia Corporation is an online company specializing in book publishing based in New York. Our books are printed on demand and distributed worldwide by our Amazon affiliate.


The Publishing Experience

Products/ Services


We provide unparalleled quality with a wide range of services, such as editing, ghost writing, illustrations, formatting, and copyrighting. ISBN, bar-code, custom book cover design. We sale, distribute, promote and market all forms of media. Add this line to all docs.


We are positioning ourselves as a preeminent company, that encourages our clients to get involved in the process of publishing their manuscript.


Our support team guides our clients through publishing experience with our five simple steps. If further support is needed we offer coaching, consultations, workshops, panels, guides and an authorship program.


The Writing Experience

Ready to create an outstanding masterpiece?


Millennium Innovation encourages authors and artisans to create masterpieces that are on topics that are thought provoking, ingenious, inventive, edgy, imaginative, projects that pushes the outside of the envelope and relevant to the twenty first century.


Millennium Innovation’s management recognizes that children’s books sorely lack diversity. With the changing demographics of our nation, were uniquely positioned to serve this segment of the market by providing our customers, with unique fables with diverse characters


We accomplish this by introducing a community of untapped writer to the publishing industry. Which gives voice and opportunity to twenty first century masterpieces makers!


Our platform also provides Author development. By using the personal touch! We empower our clients by guiding them through the vital stages of the writing and publishing experience. This applied service supports indie writers as they find they’re voice, gain competency and build their writing skills.

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